• Profile picture of Ronnie

    Ronnie posted in the group Reader's Club

    11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Figured this counts too.

    Yesterday was Free Comic Book Day. Every year it’s something I look forward to. Not only is it a way to get free comics, but it’s also nice to support locally-owned comic book shops.

    My plan was to just go to one, but then I figured why not try a second? They were going to be it and I was satisfied. My mom then asked me later if there were any comic book shops across town so I found that a bit surprising. I told her there were, one in particular that is well known. So she asked if I wanted to go and I figured why pass it up, plus it allowed me time to spend with her which was even more perfect.

    Got a lot of great free ones. Then two of the shops had 50% off deals with practically every book from graphic novels, to new comics, and back issues. So I certainly took advantage of that.

    Ended up with 31 comics in all (free ones included).

    I definitely recommend this day. It’s always fun for so many reasons.

About Me


Shy and quiet reader. Shy and quiet writer.

Aside from being a fangirl, I am an avid reader to the extreme.  I converted an old bedroom into a library so much of my time is spent in it.  I read a variety of genres but my main genre is Non-Fiction and a sub-genre of Native American studies.

My top 3 books of all time:

  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley



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