Create Change is a solutions-based community connected by our social media initiatives, member based campaigns and live experiences. We believe in generating compelling content and unvarnished perspectives that encourage and inspire our community to use their talents, creativity and personal influence to raise awareness for social responsibility and find solutions that will make a positive impact on our world in a real and tangible way.

Our mission at Create Change is to be your go-to source for encouragement and inspiration to help you become the change you want to see in the world. Our primary goal is to help you discover your truest potential by giving you the courage for self advocacy and the creative tools to make everlasting positive changes in your life and the lives of others with the support of our Create Change community and our leadership team.

Point blank, your story matters. Heart to heart, stone by stone… We want you to know we are here for you.

  • Grow our Create Change membership community. We believe we can best achieve our mission working together with our ever expanding, global community.
  • Continue to refine our use of creative thinking and problem solving to provide unique opportunities for personal growth for each individual member within our community.
  • Continue to build a safe place for discussion via our online membership platform and forums, allowing our global community to connect, support and grow individually and collectively.
  • Continue to refine our standards of communication and convey the value of creative thinking via content on our website, social media posts, live streaming events, and e-blasts.
  • Continue to refine and assess our streamlined approach to build more meaningful and purpose minded content for our members.
  • Provide thorough information about the organizations we support, and continue to solicit feedback from our community about others we should consider supporting.
  • Develop and offer an intern and mentorship program that will provide real life learning opportunities, as well as meaningful personal satisfaction to those who want to become more involved with our Create Change vision and mission.
  • Invite other Modern Icons to join us and become an integral part of our Create Change family, to help spread the word about our mission and build support for our efforts.
  • Continue to build momentum for the Create Change mission and expand our reach by establishing healthy partnerships with major brands that support our efforts in developing an outside the box mentality.
  • Establish a Citizen Creator Academy where we provide a writing/creative workshop program for writers, artists and creatives alike, complete with interactive assignments and certification upon completion of the course.
  • Refine our Social Media Influencer Agreement, helping to clarify our values, mission and good intentions so we can expand our ever growing reach and develop healthy partnerships with key influencers, charitable organizations and lifestyle brands on how best to endorse Create Change on their own social media accounts.

No. Create Change is structured as a limited liability company (LLC). While we donate to and support several 501(c)(3) organizations, for ourselves, we believe the best way to truly create everlasting positive change in the world is to position ourselves as a “for profit” company. This approach to growth allows us to be self sustainable and, more importantly, a part of the solution to the challenges and problems we face as a global community by being able to focus our energy on finding creative solutions, raising awareness, supporting and also donating a portion of our proceeds to the causes that matter most to our community.

Although at this time our operating costs are not tax-deductible, we encourage our members to find out more about and get involved with the cause(s) that are most important to them. We will help in this endeavor by providing information about the charities we support along with an opportunity for members to directly donate to the cause(s) of their choice through embedded links on our partnership page that allows the user to connect directly to the charity website of their choice.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that Create Change receives no monetary gain from these donations. Any and all transactions are between the user and that organization. Our intention has and always will be to remain in a supportive position, to see real change in the world through the organizations we decide to support on behalf of our community and that we believe are making a positive difference in the world.

We pride ourselves on being a transparent organization, and we hold ourselves (along with all our partnering organizations) to the highest ethical standards to ensure we are a positive impact in the world. Furthermore, our strategic approach in the development and growth of Create Change allows our members to play a significant role in determining the organizations and causes we choose to partner with and support. This forward thinking communal business model places a high value on listening to the thoughts and opinions of our members so together we can streamline our efforts and make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. If you’d like more information please feel free to check out an overview of charities we’ve supported to date:
Please contact us at for all brand/partner inquiries.
Create Change at its core is a collaborative community, giving our members a significant voice in determining the organizations we support. That said, we are always open to member suggestions and encourage you to go through the Outstanding Change Creator Application process. Upon receipt of your submission our team will initiate a detailed inquiry to properly vet the organization to make certain they meet our level of expectation, values and ethical standards to become a Create Change partner. Once we conclude our vetting process we will follow up with the original submission contributor to further discuss our findings and next steps.

For us, success is not defined by numbers. It’s defined by seeing authentic positive growth and change in the individual lives of our global community. As Gandhi said, “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” By making this our primary focus, it gives us the advantage of creating change from within, giving each individual in our community the tools and support necessary to reach outside our sphere of influence to help them reach their fullest potential and create positive change in the lives of their friends, families and local communities.

That said, although there is inherent value that comes from the monetary contributions we pledge to our charitable partners, the single most important measure of success for us IS found within all the amazing testimonials we receive from our members on a weekly basis. Simply put, authentic change in one’s life can and will lead to authentic change in the lives of many, which we believe is the key to solving and eradicating the challenges we face as a global society.

We love to hear from you, so feel free to send your inquiry via and one of our Create Change associates will get back to you.

Create Change is only made possible by the participation and support from our members. Although the money generated via membership subscriptions and E-commerce store does go to covering the operating costs and expansion of our Create Change mission, we also pledge a portion of our monthly proceeds to be donated to one (or more) of our charitable organizations that are thematically inline with our charitable campaign of the month.

As previously mentioned, we also encourage all our Create Change community members to learn more about, get involved and/or donate to any of the charities we support and that they are also passionate about supporting through our About Page.

By supporting Create Change through your paid membership, you are also supporting the expansion of our organization, which ultimately allows all of our collective community to assist other worthwhile causes. Furthermore, we donate a portion of paid memberships to support our charitable organizations who are aligned with our charitable theme each month. In an effort to remain transparent to our members we will continue to share the difference our Create Change community is making as we move forward together, via our website.
The vast majority of our support goes to 501(c)(3) organizations, but we may also recommend donations to other kinds of artist/activist organizations/projects we believe in. We are fully committed to transparency of our operations. Our community will always be informed about any major funding decisions.
Go to your Create Change membership profile ( You can edit or upgrade your membership by selecting your subscription level. For new members you can select your subscription level during the registration process ( Be sure to check ‘auto renew’.
If you are a subscriber, go to your Create Change registration page ( and uncheck ‘auto renew’.
We love to hear from you, so feel free to send your inquiry via and one of our Create Change associates will get back to you.
The first step to getting involved with Create Change is to let your voice be heard within our community which you can do by simply signing up to become a free member through our website . We’d love for you to join us, so please go to to register as a New Account.
We have a FORUM section on our website that allows members to post comments about our content and to share feedback with us and each other. You can also suggest a new forum topic to our team for approval. Please go to to find out more.
You can do this by submitting your work at We accept four types of artistic submissions including writing, illustration, video and photography. Your submission subject can be a response to a specific Create Change article, or a call-for-entries, which we announce through our official Twitter account All submissions must use a URL link via your own website or a third party file storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Note: When using Google Drive please make sure your link is publicly shareable (Instructions: On your computer, go to Click the folder you want to share. Click Share Add people. At the top right, click Get shareable link. Next to “Anyone with the link,” click the Down Arrow. Choose whether people can edit or view. Copy and paste the link in an email or any place you want to share it.)

You can find some good information about criteria for Create Change submissions here []. Regarding artwork, it’s important that it be sufficiently hi-res. Two megs is a good standard for images. Feel free to submit your videos in a preview format, but have a HD version ready to send if your video submission is selected for publication.

Create Change is a global community, so please don’t hesitate to send your submissions, regardless of whether or not English is your native language.
Create Change is happy to publish your creative writing in your native language. If your writing is selected for publishing, we will work with you to post an English translation alongside your native language piece.
You can apply to become a verified contributor with your personalized byline at
Currently we are only giving attribution and brand exposure through our website and social media.
Currently we do not have an internship program in place, but we are in the early stages of development and plan to offer one in early 2021.
Thank you for your interest in Create Change. We want to invite you to become part of our conversation. Your voice matters, and by working together with us you can help support worthy organizations and generate solutions-based media that not only entertains, but activates and inspires the very best in all of us.
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