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  • 9 months, 1 week ago
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  • I think I’ve established the fact that I’m not good at drawing. I’m even worse when it comes to drawing faces, but lately, from a book I’ve been reading, and now from Angelo’s recent article on ‘Growth, Renewal, and Pride,’ it really got me into wanting to do something.

    The book I’ve been reading, “Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform…Read More

  • Okay, so I’ve sort of got a book rec. It could easily go in the book thread, but I thought it would be better here.

    I’m not one for bestsellers, however, I’m making an exception because the title caught my attention. It’s called “Your Brain on Art: How The Arts Transform Us” by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. This book basically talks about how…Read More

  • This might not seem like much, but recently our area, specifically the Franklin Mountains, and the surrounding hills and such, was designated a national monument. Definitely worth celebrating in our area. For years people have been advocating to get these lands and these mountains protected as there have certainly been developers interested in…Read More

  • LOL I am too addicted to tattoos. I have plans with my sister to get matching ones, there’s a Twilight one I want to get, and now thinking of a second EOE tattoo to go along with the song lyrics.

    • As it is, I have 19 of them already. The three I mentioned would put it at 21 and including the EOE one would make 22.

    • They are addicting. I currently have 5, but I definitely want more. An EOE one is on my list as well.

      • That they are. I just can’t seem to get enough. Oh, five of them are pretty cool. I told myself I was going to stop after my first two. A lot of good that did me. LOL! Didn’t think I’d be as hooked on them as I became.

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