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Reader’s Club

  • Public Group
  • 5 months ago
  • 138


  • 24


  • Anyone been in a reading slump this month?

    I just can’t seem to get out of mine. I think a lot of it comes down to the heat. It’s been so hot to even just do anything and the thought of using any mental capacity just sounds too exhausting.

    I’m getting some new books today though and within the next week so I’m hoping that will get me out…Read More

  • Might have to put my personal reading aside in a month. I had to order my textbooks for class which include these:

    English Language Learners- Research, Theory, Policy, and Practice

    Preschool Appropriate Practices

  • Okay, well I have decided to take on this daunting challenge. I’ve had these books on my shelf for over a year, but find them too scary to read in the sense that I never read more than 4 books in a series.

    The Wheel of Time consists of 15 books! Don’t know how long it will take me, but I plan to go through a book every time I finish the…Read More

  • Hey guys, so anyone reading anything lately?

    • Not recently- the last book I read was From Lukov With Love by Mariana Zapata. It’s an enemies to lovers in sports trope. I read that at the beginning of June. I started another book the same week but stopped reading it. I feel like I go through spurts—-one month I might read 1-4 books or more and other months 0 and sometimes with like a len…Read More

      • That’s cool. Whatever works, right? I can’t seem to do that. I might go through a reading slump every few weeks or so, but then I’m always right back at it. Aside from finding a job, getting ready for school- responsibilities and such, I can’t imagine doing anything better.

        • I wish I could be the same way…I have a huge TBR of both physical books but also kindle books and want to knock it down. I think with my schedule being so busy (going to get busier once I enroll into another class in September, I took a semester off). I just can’t find the time to read. I am usually really tired when I get home from work–while…Read More

  • Wow, what a fun find. Stumbled across this ultimate Superman book. It’s over 700 pages with so many interviews that go into the 85-year history of the Man of Steel.

    It’s going to be very long, but I am so looking forward to it!

    The author talks with so many of the actors who have portrayed Superman and even Brandon Routh does the forward…Read More

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