• Profile picture of Ronnie

    Ronnie posted in the group Writing

    1 year, 5 months ago

    Don’t know what day I ended on so I’ll just be continuing with whatever I have going on. These days it’s hard to find something to be grateful for. The loss of Jason David Frank has hit me hard like no other celebrity death has. I suppose if there is a silver lining it’s the memories I have.

    At the age of 4, it became a dream to meet him. I finally did 3 times in my life. So every memory I have of him from watching him on Power Rangers to meeting him, getting autographs, pictures, and such, I’m thankful to those and the memories I have of him.

    He was a down-to-earth guy to the point he went to comic book shops to do signings because he wanted to give back to communities outside of traditional cons.

About Me


Shy and quiet reader. Shy and quiet writer.

Aside from being a fangirl, I am an avid reader to the extreme.  I converted an old bedroom into a library so much of my time is spent in it.  I read a variety of genres but my main genre is Non-Fiction and a sub-genre of Native American studies.

My top 3 books of all time:

  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley



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