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Buddha_aka_me She/HerOffline

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    Buddha_aka_me She/Her posted in the group Reader's Club

    1 year, 4 months ago

    Earlier this year, I finally decided to join Netgalley to review arc books.
    Best. Decision. Ever!
    Yes, I have to put in some effort to review what I get to read. No, you don’t get blockbuster anticipated books straight away – lower those expectations – but with time and patience I’ve had some amazing books to read before release.

    It is nigh on impossible to give a full run down on books I’d personally recommend, but here are some highlights.

    Samantha Shannon, A Day of Fallen Night.
    This is the highly anticipated book in the same universe (although 500 years earlier) as Priory of the Orange Tree. Samantha takes what made Priory so good and just amplified it! Thos is a book of a writer far more comfortable tackling this kind of lengthy high fantasy book. Plus great LGBTQA rep.

    The Queering by Brooke Skipstone.
    A book I wasn’t sure quite what to expect, but it captured my attention quickly and a thoroughly enjoyable book to read. Someone who might have lived their life authentically but for a tragic turn of events, who finally does live that life aged 70, even with real obstacles in the way.

    Last for now, Love will tear us apart by C. K. McDonnell.
    I’m a huge fan of CK McDonnell (also writing under Caimh McDonnell).
    Love will tear us apart us the 3rd installment of The Stranger Times series.
    Caimh has the type of humour that, for example if you’re a Terry Pratchett or Jodie Taylor (author not …. yeah if you Google you’ll understand the caveat) fan, these books are an absolute must in my opinion.
    We are treated to the utterly bizarre and wonderful world of The Stranger Times.
    If you’re a fan of the series already, then this is a must have.
    Of you’ve not read the series already, then please start at the beginning, because it truly is a marvellous addition to any who enjoy Urban fantasy humour with a twist.

    • Thanks for the book reviews! Some of them look pretty neat.

      • Netgalley is basically a site that authors and publishers use to get advanced readers copies (arc) of a book out. They used to be called Proof galleys (no idea why Galley, and now I need to know. But I digress). Anyone can apply to be a reader, and the only criteria is you must review the books ypu read (or listen to. Although not as extensive they do have some audio books). If you find issues within a book (beyond a few typos etc, as they’re proofs so still not final edited) then you can leave feedback for the publisher. For example, a while ago I read a book in regards the transgender experience, and as someone whose husband is transgender, and having known some transgender people long before that, I know a lot of the terms they used. But even I was overwhelmed and at one point completely flummoxed by a term I’d heard, but had no idea of meaning. A good solid index in the book would remove that problem. They ask you maintain a ratio of at least 80% feedback to books read, unless you have good reason why you couldn’t complete a review. It’s done through ebooks (or as I mention occasionally audiobook) and you can really find some gems in there. Obviously you get the better known authors, like Samantha Shannon, but some of the debut novels I’ve read this year have been phenomenal! And not something I might’ve bought otherwise. The beauty of it is, you aren’t under a set number of books you must read! They like some to see history of how you review, but beyond that, you can take it at your own pace on how many you might want to read. Books are there for 51 days once approved. I’d say if you’re interested, check it out. DM me if you want any pointers on how to navigate it if you decide to sign up.



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