• Profile picture of Shandy Marbles

    Shandy Marbles posted in the group Self-Care Support and Activities

    2 years, 5 months ago

    Here’s the Christmas self-care advent calendar I told some of you about yesterday.

    Step 1. Find a jar or small tub

    Step 2. Decorate the jar or tub with whatever holiday type stuff you like (mine is Christmas trees and snowflakes but you could do anything you like)

    Step 3. Cut out 24 small bits of paper or card (I used Christmas wrapping paper but you could use anything you have spare)

    Step 4. On each bit of paper write a self-care activity that you’d like to do (I’m terrible at self-care at the moment and find the holidays very hard so my activities are basic things like doing relaxation techniques, having a candle-lit bath, making Christmas cards, making hot chocolate, watching a Christmas movie etc)

    Step 5. Fold each bit of paper and put them all in your advent calendar jar thingymabob

    Step 6. Take out one bit of paper each day from the 1st to the 24th of December and do the activity written on the paper

    Step 7. Share your thoughts with the group if you like

    I hope you enjoy this activity!

    • I’ve only just gotten around to decorating mine! I am going to work on writing out and adding the activities in this weekend! I had so much fun decorating!! Can’t wait for the rest

    • I like this idea. I have no idea what I would include in mine though but I’d be willing to give it a shot. If anyone has any topic suggestions to put in mine that would be perfect.

About Me

Shandy Marbles

Create Change team member

Hello. My name is Shandy and I'm part of the Create Change team. My pronouns are she/her and I'm fine with they/them too. Some things about me are that I'm queer, disabled, autistic, and very silly. I have a degree in English literature and creative writing, a foundation degree in mental health, and a teaching qualification for adults in community education. I have taught drama and creative writing as well as courses in self-care and managing mental health. I'm very into arts and crafts even though I mostly just make messes. I love books, music, collecting weird stuff, and Wensleydale cheese. I also love autumn, silver things, animals, and I'm quite fond of Clarice Starling. I don't like shaking hands and my facial expressions don't work very well but I am very pleased to meet you!



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