• Profile picture of Ronnie

    Ronnie posted in the group Finding Our Way

    11 months ago

    I will always advocate for mental health and mental illness when it comes to young kids. Growing up I never had the vocabulary for it. I didn’t know how to express myself so I got lost in bad depression and I ended up self-harming because I did not know how to cope or speak up.

    My middle school didn’t talk about it and high school didn’t either. You’d think being in a medical magnet program they would touch on mental illness in some form, but they didn’t.

    I used to tell my parents there was something wrong with my brain, but couldn’t define it. I just knew something was off. And if a kid can’t find the words, how do they expect to get the help they need?

    Adults need to guide them whether it’s in school or at home so that they don’t fall through those cracks. Kids/teens/young adults, have a high rate of suicide. I’m lucky mine never reached that far, but sometimes I believe it could have. It had to take my self-harm progressing into something more dangerous for me to seek help.

    A kid should not have to reach rock bottom or even further to get the help they need.

    I plan to become a teacher and I would like to think these are topics I could cover in my classroom (if allowed. Texas has so many strict rules in the school districts and the state now so it’s hard to know what’s allowed to be taught.)

    And that’s another issue, you don’t have the government helping with these types of issues. They won’t provide school counselors, or the right training to spot kids who suffer from their mental health/mental illnesses. Parents and teachers are left to their own devices and unfortunately, there are those parents who may not care or may not know how to talk to their kids about these sorts of things.

    I’m not sure what could be done, but I imagine there is something out there, some kind of solution.

    • Ronnie, I understand the lack of vocabulary when growing up concerning mental health. Children absolutely need this type of vocabulary. I don’t have all the answers, but I promise that we hope Finding Our Way will be a tool that will help families discover this much-needed vocabulary.

      • That’s what is great about the CC community, we’re all willing to find ways of contributing somehow. I may not contribute out in my general community, but just finding ways online can sometimes be enough, because sometimes people are willing to listen. I think I’m going to end up liking this campaign that you both created because we are trying to make a difference in this world in our own way.

    • Ronnie, I agree that this vocabulary is a much needed skill for children. So much of what we hope to do with Finding Our Way is to provide those tools and resources but also teach children the words they need to be able to express themselves and advocate for them.

      • That’s great, Adrienne. Yes, kids need to find the right words. Not just that, but I think there needs to be some kind of education whether it’s outside like you/we all are doing here, or whether it’s training for teachers. Kids are committing suicide at alarming rates because no one will listen to them because they don’t have those tools. If they did they could get the help sooner and hopefully, more lives would be saved.

        • Ronnie, yes education is also very important. This is something we also hope to be able to provide within FOW. Teacher resources, parent resources both to give them information but also worksheets etc. that would benefit the children and help them develop this skill.

About Me


Shy and quiet reader. Shy and quiet writer.

Aside from being a fangirl, I am an avid reader to the extreme.  I converted an old bedroom into a library so much of my time is spent in it.  I read a variety of genres but my main genre is Non-Fiction and a sub-genre of Native American studies.

My top 3 books of all time:

  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley



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