• Profile picture of Ronnie

    Ronnie posted in the group Writing

    7 months, 1 week ago

    Ever the writer in me. We have to do discussions online for class and people/classmates are barely writing 8 sentences or less for their responses. And here I am writing like 4 1/2 paragraphs for me. Goes to show that no matter the class, I’ve still got my general writer’s skills and those won’t go away no matter what. Love it.

    I like my classmates responses too, I just find it funny how I can end up going for x-amount of space and time. I really tried to narrow things down, but I couldn’t because it all felt so relevant to the topic.

    Love it and I am finding this class to be very interesting.

    1 Comment
    • I can relate. I find that if it is a topic I can relate too, I will ramble on. My discussion will be at least 1-2 paragraphs maybe more even when I replying to someone’s discussion that can be the case. I feel like I always have one of the longest replies–its weird. Even my introductory post was rather lengthy—but I guess I just have a lot to talk about lol…plus I think the lay out of how these discussion boards work being very familiar to me and I am used to communicating with people that way–it just comes naturally.

About Me


Shy and quiet reader. Shy and quiet writer.

Aside from being a fangirl, I am an avid reader to the extreme.  I converted an old bedroom into a library so much of my time is spent in it.  I read a variety of genres but my main genre is Non-Fiction and a sub-genre of Native American studies.

My top 3 books of all time:

  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley



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