• Profile picture of Carson Stanton

    My life has been a whirlwind of chaos lately. Needless to say, I haven’t had the time or mental energy to write. Well, I want to write. I’ve come up with a writing challenge that I hope you’ll join me in. Music is a grounding force for me. Much like Nathan always says music is medicine for the soul. So, I’ve decided I’m going to make a writing…Read More

    • I love this idea – music is a big inspiration for the stories I want to create, especially lyrics. I’m currently writing a piece that has a drummer as the main character and I find so much joy and inspiration by creating playlists of what music they like, what music they play etc.

    • Love this, Carson. Especially the timing. My upcoming self-published book actually has to deal with music so I’m excited for it to be released.

    • Oh I will definitely join this challenge. I haven’t been writing that much lately and could use a little inspiration.

  • Here’s my take on the Worry jar activity Adrienne posted. I decided to write them down in my Grimoire so that I can keep adding to the list if new worries come. I wrote each one down as a way of letting each worry go.

  • I came across this acronym a while back and I love it.
    Here’s what this acronym means to me:
    To FAIL is to not dwell on making a mistake but rather the process of learning from them.
    Explain what this acronym means to you. What is your biggest learning experience?

    • I agree. Each time we fail it teaches us something. It’s part of learning. Without failure there is no success. Sure, we have our moments when we get lucky but that won’t last. Things take time. You have to take the time to practice and study to get good at something. Through all that you will have times when you make mistakes. There’s nothi…Read More

    • This helps a lot. I am so use to failure that part of me just doesn’t care anymore and that I expect it. And anytime something good happens I’m just on edge waiting for that other shoe to drop. Sometimes it’s nice to have these kinds of affirmations and reminders that even though you may fail you have to keep going.

  • Tell us about a time either you helped someone through a tough time or someone helped you through a tough time.

    • This is not really one moment in particular but throughout last year, my sister was struggling with her health. Both physically and mentally. She was struggling with depression and feeling suicidal. If it wasn’t for me being there talking to her every day and convincing her to keep going. I don’t know if she’d still be here. I had to be stron…Read More

    • I’m lucky to have a number of friends who have helped me through horrible times, but a recent one was this summer at camp. I’d had a rough night with a camper and didn’t know how much it would affect me, and the next morning I found myself in my cabin alone during my off time writing in my book to my mum (I filled it with stuff I wanted to tell…Read More

    • I’m lucky to have my family who helps me. I sometimes can’t handle a lot in my life and they’re the first people I rely on.

  • Profile picture of Sophie

    Do any of you like to say positive affirmations every day?

    It’s something I like to do every morning or if I start to think negatively I throw in a positive affirmation.

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About Me


Shy and quiet reader. Shy and quiet writer.

Aside from being a fangirl, I am an avid reader to the extreme.  I converted an old bedroom into a library so much of my time is spent in it.  I read a variety of genres but my main genre is Non-Fiction and a sub-genre of Native American studies.

My top 3 books of all time:

  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  2. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
  3. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley



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